Friday, September 28, 2012

Israel and Palestine should start considering a one state solution

Like any relationship, be it marriage or a business, any form of partnership requires a level of trust but more important compromise. We can`t always get what we want else this world would be chaotic, so the way to live in peace is to give some in order to get some. It`s not what we like to do or hear as human beings are inherently selfish but it’s a  way of resolving issues and living in harmony.

Take Sudan and South Sudan for example, they went to war, tried obliterating each other, insulted each other to get their way but look at the two now! They have agreed on oil exports from South Sudan, a demilitarized zone and cessation of hostilities .( Both parties finally understood that they can`t go on fighting forever! 21 years of war was a good enough price, and now it’s time to build and not to keep tearing down.  They do have more issues they need to tackle, specifically the Abyei region, but at least they have started somewhere and that gives many people hope. Let`s hope implementing the agreement will not be a hurdle.

That said, I think it`s time for Israel and Palestine to consider a one state (Secular) solution. They can share Jerusalem and everything else they deem ok, so that this enmity can end once and for all. But even as I speak of such, and I ask the two nations to consider this path, I paused for a minute today morning and wondered if I were in their shoes, would a one state solution work for me? Would I be ok sharing my country say for example with (just an example) our Somali neighbors should they say that the Northern part of my country belongs to them? The fears are real; if they come in, they might decide at some point that Kenya should become a Muslim state and we`d all be forced to adhere to their principle or they might decide that women should only be seen and not heard…..the list is endless.  I wondered though if I experienced the bloodshed and the chaos, the insecurity and instability that comes with having two nations fighting, if I’d be ok with a one state solution and the truth is still NO! No way would I be ok with this.

Thus even as I advocate for the one state solution, I understand the difficulty that comes with it. The trust element that would be tested greatly and the fears that are all too real for any outsider to understand; yet all this should be done in context. I know even though I would detest the idea, deep down the price of peace would be worth sharing my country. I know I would constantly be afraid of the eventuality…….. always looking out and not easily trusting the “outsiders” but for the sake of peace, for the sake of my children to get the opportunities I would not have gotten, I might just chose to compromise.

Ultimately I believe it’s for each to look inside themselves and take a chance. The leaders might not, but the people need to move on with their lives. Enough of politics…..buuuuuuuuuut with Iran on the other side…hmmm external influences ……tricky….but life is about taking a chance and we all live once….! So Israel and Palestine take a chance; compromise if you must!


Thursday, September 13, 2012


I know am stepping into murky waters here, but I have to ask; why do most Muslims behave like they are holier than other people; that their religion is greater than others and therefore need to be recognized more. I understand the fury about the film and why they feel so grossly offended….after all “they are the only ones who hold salient beliefs; the only ones whose identity should be revered and respected” but what I don`t get is why it’s being taken out on innocent people.

The film in question was uploaded on YouTube in July and has only caused uproar in September … and only got noticed after an Egyptian television apparently aired it and some anti-Islam characters promoted it online. The film producer is allegedly an Israeli whose character and sanity is questionable as he has been indicted before by US Attorney’s office with numerous aliases. It’s this film that led to the senseless death of a US Ambassador to Libya and other American officials in Benghazi.

My question to our Muslim brothers is; why attack people who had nothing to do with the film? Why do Muslims feel that they have been sooooooooooo wronged that they have to take it out on their “worst enemy” who clearly had nothing to do with it. Christians and other religions have suffered the same fate where our God/Jesus is called all sorts of things, and am sure the case remains the same for other religions but you do not see us all, up in arms chanting “down with whoever”.

My guess is the thoughts and convictions in that film do not represent the views of many people. This was a project by an individual (perhaps with his minions) who felt the need to express himself with no regard of the consequences. We all have things we don`t like about each other, about each other’s religion but we don`t go parading them.  But not everyone can self regulate; it’s therefore obvious that there will be those who will feel the need to put their thoughts and feelings out there and whereas they can be prosecuted for it in one form of the other, the consequences of their actions as is in this case cannot be undone. The onus then is upon those who feel aggrieved to chose the right thing by looking at this as a specific case by some nut job who still behind bars will hold the same opinions so really there is nothing you can do about it as far as his thoughts are concerned. But you can do something about your reactions and instead of senselessly killing people, take counter measures and show the world who prophet Mohammed really is not just through film but by embracing his ideals and resolving conflict like civilized human beings.

I grew up with Muslims and I know this is not every Muslims stand on how the issue should be handled; so enough already! The world stands with you in condemning Nakoula`s film and understands your bitterness but what as human beings we`ll not condone is taking of innocent lives because you feel pained. How different then are you from him? Where is your honor? How is your act any different from Nakoula`s (he has many aliases)?

We should all learn to tolerate each other’s religion. These absurd acts of violence that have gone viral and taken hold in more than 10 nations should be an opportunity to showcase the unity that makes you one religion and not to take the lives of others. It`s ok to protest with an end goal in mind but don`t take it out on innocent people.

Treat others as you (Muslims) would like to be treated.

Monday, September 10, 2012

OUR LAISSEZ-FAIRE PRESIDENT (Hon. President Mwai Kibaki)

I had to go back and review the various leadership styles, in a bit to understand President Kibaki`s governing style. For some of us who believe in keeping track of progress and working as a team, yes delegating but ensuring that what was set out to be done has been done; I find it very hard to understand the old  man. See if we were talking about a project and you have assigned various duties to specific individuals I’d be ok with the laissez-faire approach ; if it was negotiating agreements with foreign companies or states I would totally understand; I would also understand if he never spoke a word in his house and let mama Lucy dictate… sorry…run everything. But what I don`t understand is how the old man can go about his daily chores as scores of people are killed in Tana and other parts of the country!

Lest Mr. President forget we are in elections season, what would be acceptable in other days (silence) is not acceptable now! Kenyans did not elect you to sit back and watch; they elected you to act day or night. The day you chose to become the President of Kenya you forfeited you right to silence and ‘doing things your way’ in any matter that concerns the country. People don`t care what you have going on behind the scenes, they need to know that you care about them. That life in Kenya for a commoner is as valuable as that of a member of parliament. (Don`t get me started on the teachers/doctors/lecturers strike).

People believe in you Mr President. There is still a window of opportunity you can seize to get this right and make it right. Not for you but for every Kenyan. It’s about time you showed Kenyans that their welfare is important. By now we should have heard a national address on the matter and forces sent to reinforce the area. You sent our forces into Somalia to keep our borders safe, now we need you to send forces to Tana to save the lives of mothers, children, elderly men and women who are defenseless. Mr. President I may not jump up and down about it but you are my President and I respect that, what I do not respect is you toying with the lives of Kenyans. Stand up and act NOW because we demand it of you and your position rightly requires that you do so.

We hope for better headlines tomorrow!